Prof. Dr. Azman was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Etiqa Family Takaful Berhad on 15 June 2020. He also serves as a member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Maybank Ageas Holdings Berhad, and the Chairman of Group Shariah Committee of Etiqa Family Takaful Berhad and Etiqa General Takaful Berhad.
He holds a Doctorate in Philosophy in Islamic Law from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, a Masters of Arts in Muamalat (Islamic Law of Transaction) from the Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, International Islamic University Malaysia, a Masters of Arts in Islamic Criminal Law from the National University of Malaysia and a Bachelor of Islamic Law from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Prof. Dr. Azman has been lecturing in Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Finance since 2005. Previously, he was a Shariah Advisory Council committee member for a number of institutions in Malaysia including the Securities Commission Malaysia, Al Rajhi Bank (Malaysia), SME Bank (Malaysia), Kenanga Capital, MNRB Retakaful and Am Metlife Family Takaful.
Besides the Maybank Group, Prof. Dr. Azman is currently a Senior Lecturer at the International Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia. He is also the Chairman of the Shariah Committee Bank Rakyat Malaysia Berhad and a Shariah Commitee member of Kuwait Finance House Malaysia Berhad.
Last update on 18 April 2024